Outdoor Family Lifestyle

This category of posts includes all the ways we bring nature into our lives.  Here you’ll find books and resources for living a nature-minded life and growing an outdoor family.  You’ll also find inspiration for nature appreciation and study, green-living, and discussions about the benefits of living an outdoor life.

Boy reaching up the trunk of a curved tree in a wooded area

Homeschool and nature connections | a mom interview

Homeschooling, wildscholling, unschooling, forest schools, play-based learning, nature emersion, living books, nature study, loose parts, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, and on and on and on… Do these terms mean anything to you?  I’ve been coming across them a lot lately… maybe I’ve been spending too much time reading child development books and surfing the facebook feed. 

Homeschool and nature connections | a mom interview Read More »