A Resource Library for all your outdoor printable needs!

Did you know that Take Them Outside had a private resource library?

images of various printable outdoor activities for kids and families


What’s in the Resource Library

All freebies and downloadables that I’ve created for Take Them Outside readers are put into the library.  You’ll find things like:

How do you access this fantastic printables resource library?

All you have to do is sign up for the Take Them Outside Newsletter.  If you’re interested in the downloadables then chances are you’re interested in other ways to connect you and your family to nature.

I’ll send you the secret password in your first email.  After that, I’ll continue to remind you of the password in future emails so you don’t have to worry about remembering it!

As for the Take Them Outside Newsletter, you’ll get tips, news, activity ideas, fun nature facts, and freebies sent directly to your inbox every week.  I won’t ever sell you email or try to sell you things that I don’t feel wouldn’t be of value to you.  And, you can unsubscribe at any time!

Why is the resource library private?

Well, I’ve put a lot of time and effort into all the products available in that resource library.  By collecting them all onto one page you’ll have an easier time finding the downloadable you’re looking for.

Unfortunately there are people out there who would steal my work and try to pass it off as their own.  Sure, a password doesn’t stop them from doing that, but it does make it a little bit harder.

Are you ready to get the secret password?

All you have to do is jump over to this page and fill in your name and email.  You’ll get an email asking if you really do want to sign up (a necessary legal step).  Then, as long as you clicked yes, you’ll get an email with the password and URL to the library.

What if you already know the password?

Well, here’s the link to the private resource library!

Please let me know if you encounter any problems trying to get into Take Them Outside’s resource library:)

What should you do now?


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