Explore Jasper

Use this to plan your trip to Jasper National Park.  You’ll find tips and resources on camping, accommodations, the town of Jasper, making reservations, and how to choose which attractions to visit and hikes to take.

Playground at Whistlers Campground with Whistlers Mountain in the background

Whistlers Campground (2024 review & photos camping in Jasper National Park)

Every summer I bring my kids to Whistlers campground in Jasper National Park for a week of playing, exploring, marshmallow roasting, and campsite lounging… and campsite spying. Yep, I said campsite spying.  Are you a campsite snoop?  Do you enjoy seeing how other people are camping just as much as you enjoy the camping itself? 

Whistlers Campground (2024 review & photos camping in Jasper National Park) Read More »

A toddler in a pink snow suit walking across Pyramid Island Bridge in Jasper National Park

Your guide to Jasper in the Winter

Rosy cheeks under pompom toques, hot chocolate by the crackling fire, nuthatches clouding the sky, skis gliding through a white forest, and the soft slow fall of big fat snowflakes… these are just a few of my favourite winter things about Jasper! Come wintertime, Jasper is ready to slow down and get cozy (or at least I am!).  If you

Your guide to Jasper in the Winter Read More »