Updated January 23, 2024.
When I was young I hatched mosquitoes in my parent’s garage. I gave house vermin a second chance with catch and relocate programs. I wandered through the cornstalks; I picnicked in cow fields. I ran barefoot down the street, fed wild groundhogs by hand, and lay under the stars for hours.
I want this for my kids. I want this for your kids. This is how I spent my childhood and I’m almost certain my love of nature came from all those hours exploring and playing and just being outside.
I have recently come to the realization that I want to offer my kids all the outdoor experiences I had. Or more specifically, I am realizing that both the natural world and my kids need this to happen… which brought me to creating this website.
My mission for Take Them Outside is to help you reconnect yourself and your family with nature… for the benefit of the natural world, your kids, and everyone’s own well-being.

Do I actually hike and camp?
I actually camp, hike, canoe, explore, and do all these things I write about. In this day and age of computer AI writing articles, I want you to know that I have actually experienced all that I’m writing about.
Nor will you find random and excess product reviews of items I’ve never touched or used myself… because I want this site to be relevant and informative for you.

Note: Unless there’s a mention at the bottom of the article, it has be written by me. I have given some other outdoorsy authors opportunities to share their own experience on this website, but there will be a clear author’s bio at the end if the article was a guest submission.
And, yes, I do live in Jasper National Park!
You might actually be surprised to know that I have lived in Jasper National Park for more than ten years. So, these articles aren’t written from someone who has visited once (or a computer that’s never visited at all!). And, since I live here, chances are I’ve hiked, camped, or visited any particular spot I’m writing about numerous times!
How to reach Jenn
Please feel free to reach out with any specific questions or comments you might ever have!
Email: [email protected]
Snail Mail: Jenn Stolfa; PO Box 1925; Jasper, AB, Canada; T0E 1E0
You can also find Jenn on Facebook here. Although, I do not respond to private messages from unknown senders. The preferred route of communication is email.
What you’ll find on Take Them Outside
Nature for Kids and Families
Bring nature into your heart, home, and family. Find out what the experts are saying regarding the interconnectedness of people and nature and how we can both benefit the other. Read how to bring the natural world into the home, how to get your family excited about nature with books, crafts, and activities, and discover tidbits on becoming eco-aware. Does Living a Natural Life appeal to you?
Get into Nature
The whole point of this website is to get outside, to get into nature! Here you’ll discover activities, suggestions, guides, and inspiration for finding nature nearby and going beyond the backyard: gardening, outdoor pursuits, camping, hiking, and family travel. Are you ready to Get into Nature?
Explore Jasper
I couldn’t ignore the amazing nature I am so blessed to live in. Here, you can get information on family travel in Jasper National Park. Everything from what to do to where to stay… specifically geared towards visiting Jasper with children and with a desire to get into Jasper’s nature. Would you like to Explore Jasper?
10 Random Things
Nine things about Jenn:
- I love to escape into a good book, especially if it has dragons, talking cats, or an impossible love story.
- Growing up, I wanted to be a paleontologist or an ichthyologist. Then I took advanced physics… and realized I was not meant to be a scientist.
- I never sing in the shower; I hold private concerts in the car.
- I’ve had a life-long aspiration of being a hippie, but it’s cold where I live, and it’s hard to wear flowing skirts under snowsuits.
- I’ve also had a life-long aspiration of being vegetarian, but I can’t say no to ‘smoked meat with sauerkraut on rye’.
- I am a firm believer that one day Bigfoot will be found.
- I am terrified of meeting mamma Grizzly, thanks to Leo and The Revenant.
- I hate being cold, sweating, in pain, or generally uncomfortable. Hence, I am not a fitness junky, or a lover of winter sports; however, I once carried a canoe on my shoulders for 2.2 kilometers!
- Over the years I have loved and cared for: 1 dog, 6 family cats, numerous foster kitties, 1 hedgehog, an army of tadpoles, 1 wolf spider, 1 rabbit, 2 gerbils, 2 mice, 2 rats, 1 hamster, 2 guinea pigs, schools of fish, jars and jars of Sea Monkeys, and 1 snake (no idea what kind – I found it under a log).
One thing about my family:
- I have three kids and one husband. They are all awesome.
A few more important words:
Take Them Outside is my website. Don’t steal or copy content without my permission. I write about parenting, travelling, and adventure but you are responsible for using this information with reasonable judgement and common sense. Your family’s safety should always be based on good judgement, your experience, and knowledge.
The authors of this website will accept no responsibility for any actions taken on the reader’s behalf.
The information on this website has been gathered from many sources. When discussing locations, trails, and conditions, do realize that these things can change. There is no guarantee that this information is completely accurate. As with any outdoor activity, there are inherent risks and dangers. Individuals partaking in any activity discussed on this website are doing so at their own risk.
This website does participate in affiliate programs. If you happen to make a purchase after clicking though various links from Take Them Outside, I will receive a small commission. There is no added cost to you as a consumer. However, this website will never recommend products, services, and items that we don’t already use or love.
Amazon specifically requests I tell you this: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
If you want to read the full legal disclosure and privacy policy, head over to the Privacy Policy and Disclosure Page.

Again, your comments, questions, and feedback are always welcomed and appreciated. You may contact me through email [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!
Interested in Working with Take Them Outside?
I have had numerous collaborative partnerships with various writers, product creators, and websites in this outdoorsy online space.
If you’d like to reach out regarding a partnership or collaboration, please email [email protected].