No-Fuss Nature

30 Day Challenge

Pressing pause, getting outside, having fun, and making it easy!

Do you want to get your families outside more often? … probably yes, that’s why you’re arrived here!

And, you probably already know that nature recharges you, brings you closer as a family, distracts from technology, and reminds you of what really matters…

But, is life just getting in the way of nature?

Or maybe it’s too hot or too cold out.  Maybe you’re just so busy after work or getting out the door can feel like such and ordeal?

Or, maybe you’ve just run out of new nature activity ideas or you don’t have the mental energy to come up with new ways to motivate and get everyone outside?

If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, then now is the time to pause, reset, and rewild your family!

P.S. The Doors Close this Friday at Midnight

Join supermoms everywhere who don't have the time but know the value a few extra minutes to get the family outside for a little bit of nature, for a little bit of togetherness and play, and for a little time to appreciate the amazingly beautiful world we're blessed to live in!

What's included

No-Fuss Nature will get you and your family outside together having fun!  … just simple, affordable, stress-free fun!

Enrollment to the program closes November 8th. You’ll receive access to the program on November 15th.  You’ll continue to have access to the 30 day challenge even after the 30 days are over.

The daily prompts will be either indoor or outdoor nature crafts or nature appreciation activities.  Some might require basic supplies or will be accompanied by a printable…. and since your families are all unique, each day includes variations to make adapting it to your family easy! 

Nature activities and themes might include:

  • clouds, bugs, the night sky
  • rewilding your home,
  • garden projects and crafts, 
  • dried flower art, nature chimes, and bird feeders,
  • nature journaling
  • family reads
  • and more!

Within the units you’ll find written materials, printables, and videos.  You’ll also have access to a private Facebook Group with live video discussions and an opportunity for you to ask direct question and get feedback.  

This beta program is meant to be flexible… if you feel you’d like more information in a certain area, we can adapt the program to the group’s interests and needs.

Hey there, I'm Jenn

This is me... just a regular mom. I spend most of my time picking up random socks, reading, working, and herding our family of 5 through the daily routines of busy family life... But, when we can, we get outside!

I know exactly what it's like to feel at a loss when it comes to getting my family to unplug from indoor distractions and enjoy time outdoors in nature.

I too struggled with trying to find the time to get outside, wondered what I should do with my kids out there, how to keep them safe, and how to manage outdoor time in a fun, practical, affordable, and simple way!

But, we figured it out.. we experimented and had patience and asked lots of questions and now our family loves to camp and hike and play at the beach. We love to garden and look for bugs and spend time watching the clouds float by.

And we want to share all this knowledge and inspiration with you and your family!

Are you ready to see the change that spending more time in nature can bring to you and your family?

Some questions and answers...

Who is this for?

The No-Fuss Nature program is for families with children under 10.  It could be adapted for older kids, but has been created with younger ages in mind. 

Is there a guarantee?

If at any point during the 30 day no-fuss nature challenge you feel your needs or expectations are not being met, please contact me to arrange a full refund:)

Do I need to have a Facebook Account?

No you don’t.  The Facebook Group is simply an added bonus of the program, it is not essential for you to receive any of the content.

When and how will I get access to the No-Fuss Nature Program?

After purchase, you’ll receive an email confirmation of enrollment.  The program will officially be open by November 15th and you’ll start to receive access to program content at that time.    

text reads take them outside family outdoor adventure and nature play