I love this time of year in Jasper. The weather is warm, town is full of tourists, camping season has begun, and school has ended. Out in the forest the trails are dry, the bugs aren’t too bad yet, and the wildflowers are in bloom.
The town of Jasper is circled by a walking trail called the Discovery Trail. Just a short stroll from my door puts me onto this trail and into the trees. In fact, almost everywhere in town is just a short stroll to the trail. Today my daughters decided to wear matching dresses – too cute. So I decided we should go out and try to get some nice photos of them. And I thought the Discovery Trail would be a great place to do that.
I have walked this part of the trail numerous times before, but never before had I noticed how many different varieties of wildflowers there really are. Why? Perhaps because I had the camera at hand or maybe because walking with the girls forced me to slow down. Either way, I stopped and took a photo of each different type of flower we spotted.
Just look at the beautiful variety:
And those two sweet girls, well, I couldn’t resist sharing a photo of them as well.
Do you have a favourite walk to go enjoy wildflowers?