10 Must Read Travel Trailer Tips For First Time Campers

If you’re new to travel trailer camping you’ve probably spend a lot of time reading and asking and learning how best camping should be done. But, there’s no better way to learn than by doing.

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Here you’ll find one mom’s story of what they learned and why you should take note of these first time travel trailer tips!

Now, for the first time travel trailer tips:

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Once you get to camp you can unpack all that needs to get put away. Then all the totes can go outside and be stored under the travel trailer.

Pack everything in totes

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Once you get to camp, put everything away

Get everything nice, neat and organized. Everything needs a place or you’ll feel like the walls are caving in with all the stuff everywhere.

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They literally had to wear wet, muddy shoes for about a day until the sun came out for a couple hours to dry them up.

Bring extra shoes for the kids

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You need a list of kitchen stuff and food. You need a list of clothes and accessories to bring. It’s overwhelming if you don’t have a list for it all.

Make a list for everything



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